Standard leads the way in win over Carver

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The Golden Lions pulled out a close victory for the second consecutive week, this time in region play over Carver-Atlanta. Quarterback P.G. Standard led the offense on its most important drive of the season, going 66 yards in the last 1:26 to take home a 30-27 victory. In an offense that prefers to run the ball, it was Standard who played the role of hero, completing all but one of his passes on the final drive. J.C. Carter ended up scoring the winner from four yards out to earn the victory. Cole Moon was a terror out of the backfield, rushing for 130 yards on 33 carries. The team is now 4-0 on the season and faces Therrell on Friday. … The volleyball team raised its record to 4-0 in region play with a win over Chamblee, but also suffered a 25-23, 25-21 defeat to Whitewater. … Cross country had the week off but returns this week to run in the Mercer University Invitational on Saturday.

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