Panthers wax Lakeside, take on North Springs next

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The football team routed Lakeside 51-0 last Friday. The Panthers scoring barrage got going early, as Allen Stripling sacked the Vikings quarterback for a safety and Kendrun Malcolm added three touchdowns to put Southwest DeKalb up 23-0 within the game’s first five minutes. After Michael D. Johnson scored a touchdown and Daniel Litt tossed a touchdown to Jacoby Mitchell, it was time for the Panther reserves to play. Freshman Andrecus Jackson scored from 65 yards out, and senior tailback Jeremy Barnett added a score and Southwest DeKalb cruised to the victory. Also, Preston McCarthy was a perfect 6-for-6 on extra points. The Panthers next play Friday at North Springs. … In cross country, the boys team finished second in their DeKalb County Week 3 race. Ed Austin paced the boys with a time of 18:47.61 as he came in sixth place. Andrew Menjor and Taji Nuri were right behind him as they finished in seventh and eighth with times of 19:00.05 and 19:20.94, respectively. For the girls team, Amber Crews finished second in her race with a time of 21:48. 76.

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