HISTORY REPEATING: Norcross boys hoping for deja vu

After winning the 2010-11 Class AAAAA boys basketball state championship, the Norcross boys faced a bit of roster turnover due to graduation and a big transfer. A slow 0-4 start to the 2011-12 season dropped the Blue Devils from many polls, but Norcross is making its way back to the spotlight with a dominating 7-1 start to region play.

Score caught up with head coach Jesse McMillan, who will be a busy man this weekend with the 2012 Hilton Invitational coming to Norcross High School. The Blue Devils had to replace nearly its entire starting lineup from one year ago, but a few of the holdovers from the title rotation have served as ambassadors to the newcomers. “We have six underclassmen (five sophomores, one freshman) that are on varsity and in our rotation,” said McMillan. “Anytime you have that much youth there are going to be times you struggle.”

McMillan credited Jason Croom and Derrick Herbert for their excellent job helping the underclassmen adjust and, “learn how difficult it is to play night in and night out in a Norcross uniform.” Norcross is one of the few programs in the state that gets opponents circling the date on the calendar for a Duke-like atmosphere.

Norcross’ junior class is a talented one that rivals Milton’s from two seasons ago. McMillan is high on his juniors such as Brandon Goodwin and Harold Givens, but cautions that they are not finished products. “Our juniors are learning on the job. Norcross has always (and will continue to be) a program that relies heavily on senior players.” McMillan points out that in the last decade, Jodie Meeks, Al-Farouq Aminu, Jeremy Lamb and E.Victor Nickerson were complementary players in their junior years that later had “breakout” senior seasons. “(Juniors) learn how to play hard, play within a system and how to adapt to other good players around them.” McMillan said he sees many similarities with his current junior class and those previous standout juniors.

Last season Nocross started slowly before winning 17-straight en route to a state title. McMillan notes that there is a lot of pride as defending champions as well as wearing the Norcross jersey. “The goal is to always win. We focus on region first, and then if we get to the playoffs, our motto is ‘just win one.’” The Norcross goal, said McMillan is to keep playing.

With a roster quickly gaining experience and a schedule that has toughened up a talented group of players for the region, success seems almost inevitable.

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