FULTON BEAT, MAY 7-13: Track coaches comment on state meet; Woodward girls tennis still unbeaten

The GHSA girls’ state track meet will take place this week in Albany and Fulton County will be represented in nearly every event. For most of the athletes, it will be their first time competing in the state meet. For others it will be one last chance to show what they are made of before they graduate.

In Class 5A, Roswell’s Shelby Barker was the top qualifier in the high jump at 5′ 2”. Her teammate, Tasia Holdorf, will be competing in the discus throw. Hornets head coach Andy Schultz thinks very highly of Barker.
"My best overall athlete this year was Shelby, since she finished third in the triple jump, first in the high jump, fifth in the 400 and ran anchor legs on both relay teams that placed at the region meet," said Schultz.
Schultz knows it will be tough for his two girls as they enter the state meet.
"Anything can happen in the pressure situation of the state meet."
Eight athletes from Westlake will join Roswell in Albany. Shani Chandler, who is on her way to the University of Alabama next year, was the top qualifier in four events including the 1600-meter relay, 100-meter intermediate hurdles, 400-meter relay and 300-meter hurdles. As a team, the girls were the top qualifiers in the 400-meter relay and the 1600-meter relay. Coach Jason Cage has high expectations of his team going into this meet.
"The team has improved since last year," said Cage. "The team is more together like a family now. My expectations for my athletes are to win the state meet just like last year. Our expectations haven’t changed."
The girls from Westlake should be out in front in a lot of these events.
Alpharetta has four girls competing for the first time in the state meet. Dylan Hassett, Ama Larbi, Rachel Thorne and Keturah Williams all have different strong points that give the Raiders a good chance at scoring points. Head coach Nicole Hudson knows the challenges of the state meet. "What I want them to do is compete," declared Hudson. "If they each put forth their best effort, and handle the moment of being on such a big stage, I’ll be pleased with the outcome."
Hassett will run the 3200-meter and Thorne will be in the 1600-meter event, while Larbi enters the 300- and 400-meter hurdles and Williams runs the 100- and 200-meter dashes.
Among the competitors in Class 3A will be Megan Vonderhaar and Rachael Doverspike of Johns Creek. This will be the first year that the Gladiators have competed at the state meet. Vonerhaar will be throwing the discus, while Doverspike is in the high jump. Both athletes have made a believer out of their head coach Timothy Reeder.
"Rachael Doverspike can win the high jump; she should definitely get top three," stated Reeder. "My goal is for Megan Vonderhaar to qualify for finals in discus and score points for the Gladiators."

The state tennis tournament was put on hold because of inclement weather, but a few teams from the county have advanced to the quarterfinals and semifinals. The Woodward girls, led by Dorrie Paradies, have not lost a match and are in the semifinals.
"(Dorrie) has been our top player," explained head coach Kim Tatum. "She is a senior who has been playing the No. 1 position for three years. She always has a tough match, she always gives 100% and she never stops trying to improve."
However, Tatum also credits the focus of the team for the Lady War Eagles’ success. "Our team has stayed focused because we have a goal," explained Tatum. "That goal has yet to be achieved, so everybody has continued to work on their game."
Tatum challenges her team not only on the court, but also in everything that prepares the team for greatness.
"The challenge for my girls is to work just a little bit harder than the next girl, whether it is on the tennis court, conditioning, or in the classroom," concluded Tatum.

Woodward has also exceeded this year on the lacrosse field. They are 13-5 on the season and have won four out of their last five games. This week, the team was honored as midfielder Carl Jackson was named first team All-Area. Teammates Cary Brown and Allston Warren were named to the second team. Among the others named to the team from the county was Grady attacker Ian Janke, who was named to the second team.

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