Former Falcon, Bryan dead at 47; GHSA awards high school’s best sportsmen

Tragic news surfaced this Monday when it was learned that former Atlanta Falcons defensive lineman Rick Bryan had died of a fatal heart attack at his home in Oklahoma City. Bryan, 47, was a two-time All-American at the University of Oklahoma and was selected by the Falcons with the ninth pick in the 1984 NFL draft.

While with the Falcons, Bryan was advised to retire in 1989 after he was diagnosed with a spinal nerve injury. However, he continued to play and started 19 of 34 games over the next three seasons.

Sportsmanship Award…

Today, GHSA announced the winners of the cooperative spirit sportsmanship award to 40 schools, with each region honoring a school with the honor. The award not only honors the players for the schools’ respective teams but also the community that backs these schools. The award is given to schools that have the best sportsmanship not only among their athletes and coaches, but also when their administration and fans are taken into consideration.



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