COACH’S DIARY: Homecoming brings distractions

This week our region play starts, and we have a tough game against West Forsyth. West is a new school with a young group of kids, but they have a tremendous coaching staff and they have a group of kids who play very hard and they will be a very tough team to beat. Hopefully our kids are ready to play and match West’s intensity level.

This week is homecoming for us, and with homecoming comes the normal weekly distractions. As a coach, you really try to keep the kids focused on the game at hand, and limit the off the field stuff as much as possible. However, it is a slippery slope because you want to encourage the student body who is trying their hardest to support the football team. Like a lot of things in life, keeping everything in balance is necessary, and sometimes difficult, but in the end it is worth while.

Last week we played Wheeler, and that game serves as exhibit A for what a head coach goes thru emotionally. We played one of the best defensive halves of season, while our offense played the worst. It is an interesting position to be in at half-time when one half of your team is playing lights out, and the other half of your team is playing terrible. Hopefully I don’t have to experience that again.

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