790 The Zone offers huge donation to land first Vick interview

Sports Radio 790 The Zone, Atlanta’s premier sports talk radio station, announced today it has offered to donate $50,000 to the Humane Society in order to secure the first Michael Vick interview since his release from prison.  The Zone would send their top rated morning show, ”Mayhem in the AM” with hosts Steak Shapiro,Chris Dimino, and Nick Cellini to his Virginia home for a 60-minute taped interview with the former Atlanta Falcon star.

Steak Shapiro, morning show host and co-founder of Sports Radio 790 The Zone, says “Michael was a legend in the city and our listeners have a burning desire to hear from him directly.  Not only would it give Mike a chance to talk to the fans of Atlanta, but it would also benefit a great cause.”

Sports Radio 790 The Zone is working to contact Vick’s agent Joel Siegel in an effort to work through the offer. 


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