Two-and-a-half minutes with Michael Johnson

And I do mean two-and-a half-minutes with defensive end Michael Johnson. Perhaps on the verge of having the biggest season on the Flats since another famous Johnson, the 6-foot-7 275-pound senior spoke with me briefly while signing hundreds of autographs at last week’s Great Jacket Encounter. 

Crosskey: How do you feel you will benefit from the new defensive scheme being brought in by Dave Wommack? 

Johnson: I think it is going to benefit everybody. It will free everybody up and let them make plays. It will let their athletic ability speak for itself. 

What is the most underrated part of your game? 

I’m stronger than a lot of people think. I hope I get to showcase some of that this year. 

Do you think teams are going to test your skills as a run-stopper? 

I hope they do. It’ll give me an opportunity get better as a player and give me a chance to help my team. 

Will you and the other seniors on the defensive line have to take the lead during the first part of the season? 

I have confidence in all the guys around no matter what year they are. As the D-line, we are going to go out there and play hard. 

What guys are taking vocal leadership roles? 

Andrew Gardner has said a couple things. Darryl Richard has said some things as well.



Michael Johnson, a man of few, but profound, words. I have a feeling that his play on the field this year will be a bit more boisterous. 

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