RECRUITING BUZZ: Jenkins, St. Germain make college picks

Jordan Jenkins, the No. 1 player on the Score Final 50 list, announced his college decision last night, selecting to matriculate to the University of Georgia. Alabama, Florida and Auburn were the three other finalists for the Harris County defensive end’s services. Jenkins recently tied a Under Armour All-America game record with two sacks. He announced his decision on television last night, noting that the Georgia Bulldogs made up ground over his projected leader Alabama over the past few weeks. … South Carolina snagged yet another McEachern product when Nicholas St. Germain decided to kick for Steve Spurrier and the South Carolina Gamecocks. St. Germain will join his current teammate Darius English, a defensive end standout, in Columbia while Rory Anderson and Marcquis Roberts both committed to the Gamecocks one year ago. The McEachern program will send a handful of players on to the next level including QB Trent Thompson (Georgia State), WR Amba Etta-Tawo (Maryland) and OG Kofi Amichia (South Florida). … The Georgia Bulldogs didn’t want to miss out on one of the top players for the Class of 2013, so the Dawgs offered Dooly County defensive tackle Montravius Adams. The 6-foot-4 280-pound monster dominated at the recent AT&T Georgia Junior Bowl practices and has gobbled up offers from team across the Southeast. Alabama, Auburn and Kentucky have reportedly also offered. … In one of the worst-kept secrets of the 2012 recruiting cycle, Benneker’s Chaz Elder pledged to South Carolina during last week’s Under Armour All-America game. Elder had a final three of the Gamecocks, the Georgia Bulldogs and Vanderbilt.

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