Tigers defeat Miller Grove, prepare for showdown versus Marist

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The football team remained undefeated for the season, winning its fourth game last Friday against Miller Grove. The Tigers defeated Miller Grove 27-19. Drayton Calhoun gained 108 yards on the ground, and Jonathan Davis added 78 yards. The Tiger defense returned two interceptions for scores, one by Bernard Crawford and one by David Lee. Next week, an undefeated Tucker squad will take on Region 6A-AAAAA Marist, who boasts an impressive 4-1 record on the season. Tucker must travel for its date with the War Eagles, which is scheduled to begin at 7:30 p.m. In off the field news, linebacker Jonathan Davis received another offer last Wednesday, this time from Boston College. According to head coach Franklin Stephens, the Eagles are looking for Davis to play running back in his freshman year. Davis has also received offers from South Carolina, Central Florida, Louisville, Alabama-Birmingham, Oklahoma State and Georgia Tech. … The volleyball team fell 2-0 to Parkview last Thursday and has a Friday match against Fayette County this week.

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